Ear, Nose & Throat

Better Life Clinic is committed to delivering clinical gold standard medical and surgical care for EAR, NOSE and THROAT to both adults and children. It is very common to see people suffering with ailments of ear, nose and throat. And many a times, with a lack of awareness of newer possible solutions, they are left untreated. This medical field and treatment solutions has tremendously advanced in the last recent years. The patients can now access and avail of progressive treatment solutions with the development of newer related technologies for diseases like, nerve deafness and sinus and more.

ENT Treatment Options Available at Better Life Clinic:


  • Ear discharge
  • Ear Ache
  • Giddiness (vertigo)
  • Deafness - both from birth and acquired later
  • Bone Anchored Hearing Aids (BAHA) for unilateral deafness and chronically discharging ear not fit for hearing aids.
  • Ear deformities - Microtia / Bat ears etc.
  • Facial paralysis secondary to ear diseases - trauma / chronic discharge etc.
  • Facial paralysis secondary to ear diseases - trauma / chronic discharge etc.
  • Tumors etc.

Throat and neck

  • Tonsillitis
  • Adnoids causing Mouth breathing / Snoring
  • Snoring / Sleep Apnea
  • VOICE disorders - Hoarseness/ Unclear voice/ Voice breaks / male having feminine voice etc.
  • Vocal Cord paralysis
  • Swallowing disorders
  • Decreased mouth opening due to Sub Mucus Fibrosis etc.
  • Laryngotracheal injuries
  • Salivary gland tumors
  • Thyroid surgeries


  • Nose blockage
  • Rhinoplasty for Nose deformities - Saddle nose / Nasal Hump / Projecting Septum / Broad nose etc.
  • Nose fractures
  • Recurrent Cold / Sinus
  • Nasal polyps / Tumors etc.
  • Allergic cold : Sneezing, itchy nose
  • Headache
  • Epistaxis
  • Stuffiness and Post Nasal Drip of phlegm etc.
  • Head injuries causing csf discharge through nose, Optic nerve injury.